Find your TM teacher now

"Nothing has ever opened my eyes like Transcendental Meditation has. It makes me calm, happy and well, it gives me some peace and quiet in what's a pretty chaotic life!"

Hugh Jackman on TM

Hugh Jackman

Info session by an
accredited TM teacher

(1 hour)

You will find out:

  • Why TM is so effective for stress and anxiety
  • What happens during TM
  • Why anyone can practise TM
  • Why TM works from the start
  • How TM is different from other meditations

After the info session you can have a personal chat with a certified TM teacher.

Highly trained teachers
One on one instruction
Learn in one week
Immediate benefits

Learn TM

(4 consecutive days)

Day 1:
Personal instruction (1–1.5 hours).

One-on-one instruction in the TM technique with an accredited TM teacher.

TM course fee is required at this step.

Day 2 to 4:
Small group sessions (1-1.5 hours a day)

Additional guidance and instruction on the TM technique based on your personal experience.

Follow up session

(1 hour)

Once you've learned TM you'll have everything you need to meditate effectively.

During your first 4 months we recommend free monthly group and personal meditation checkups, to ensuring that your TM is easy and enjoyable, and you are gaining the full benefits.


Take the first step 
attend an info session

The first step is to attend a free introductory talk or "Info Session".
This will be presented by a certified teacher of Transcendental Meditation and generally takes about 1 hour. You will find out:

  • Why TM is so effective for stress and anxiety
  • Why anyone can practise TM
  • What benefits you can realistically expect
  • How it works – the process of transcending
  • How TM differs from other meditations
  • What happens during TM

Following the talk there will be an opportunity to meet privately with the Teacher to discuss personal considerations.

The talk is a prerequisite to joining a course of instruction in TM, but there is no commitment to learn. It is open to everyone even if you only have a mild curiosity! Feel free to bring a friend.

    • Sun Feb 23rd 10:00 Free Online Introductory Talk
      Free Introductory Session - Online This online Intro talk will be using the Zoom Meeting system. Link will be sent when you register. For more information please call / WhatsApp on 5779 5441 or email at
    • Sun Mar 2nd 14:00 Free Online Introductory Talk
      Free Introductory Session - Online This online Intro talk will be using the Zoom Meeting system. Link will be sent when you register. For more information please call / WhatsApp on 5779 5441 or email at
    • Sun Mar 9th 10:00 Free Online Introductory Talk
      Free Introductory Session - Online This online Intro talk will be using the Zoom Meeting system. Link will be sent when you register. For more information please call / WhatsApp on 5779 5441 or email at
    • more talks ...
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"TM is a charger for your body and mind"

Buzzfeed does TM:

"I feel like much less anxious & much more like myself"